Hundreds of you have attended our training webinars, and hundreds more have watched the recordings and read articles , but there’s a significant amount of information to take in, and not everyone will have the same learning...
This year, #BuckeyeLove is all about celebrating and encouraging acts of connection and compassion. Whether it’s an encouraging note or sharing your #BuckeyeLove on social media, we want to know how you express and experience kindness.
It’s time! The clock has started on the university’s Digital Accessibility Three-Year Plans! Your Three-Year Plan is your unit’s roadmap to achieving the university’s five goals for a digitally accessible Ohio State. Your Digital Accessibility Coordinator...
Throughout the new year, Privacy@Ohio State is proud to offer several events that will provide information about university privacy strategy and practices. This event will focus on privacy practices related to the COVID-19 pandemic, like contact tracing.
The Data and Analytics Team is offering a winter/spring lunch and learn Zoom series to share information about the Reporting and Analytics Environment, Tableau Server reports and data sources, and the Collibra data catalog tool. The lunch and learn sessions will be held from noon to 1 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Check out the full article for links to upcoming Zoom sessions and past session recordings.
Whether you are transitioning out of BuckeyeBox and into OneDrive four weeks from now or four months from now – you can learn to use Microsoft applications and set up new projects and class materials in OneDrive or another program TODAY.
With the completion of the financial conversion data loads to Workday, the team responsible for the Reporting and Analytics Environment (RAE) has also completed the loading of financial data to the new analytics data lake. As of Monday February 1, the RAE is synchronized with Workday via data loads that push the most recent transactions into the analytics database each night. Read the full article to learn more about how to access and use these data sources.
As people are working to get use to OneDrive and Teams, we have received questions about whether you should move files yourself. Early project documentation encouraged users to move files themselves, but we’ve learned doing that can create headaches for those who have a significant amount of data to move. Do-it-yourself movers have found that some files didn’t copy correctly and others didn’t show up at all. That’s why we recommend that you wait for OCIO to copy files to OneDrive for you.
This article covers some OneDrive for Business questions we are hearing about. In addition, Microsoft has a OneDrive Quick Start guide that shows you were everything is located.