Mediasite Catalogs Will Become Channels This December

If you are using Mediasite to store and share lecture recordings and other content, please be aware of an upcoming change to available features. At the end of autumn semester, Catalogs will be retired in favor of Channels.
Currently, Catalogs and Channels are two different features you can use to organize your content in Mediasite and share with your students. Catalogs offer a basic organizational structure while Channels offer an improved user experience—a modern look and feel, engagement opportunities, annotations, download options and more.
If you are currently using Catalogs to organize your content, at the end of autumn semester your Catalogs will automatically transition to Channels. There is no action you need to take unless you would like to convert your Catalogs early and start taking advantage of additional features available with Channels.
The Mediasite Desktop Recorder is no longer supported by the vendor and will also be retired in December. Please download Mediasite Mosaic if you have not already done so.