Your Feedback on Teaching Tools Shapes Future of Learning at Ohio State

In the Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI), we strive to provide instructors and students with the tools and resources necessary to achieve learning outcomes. That’s why we routinely solicit feedback from those who use our tools to help us improve our offerings or decide when it’s time to pivot to something new.
Throughout the academic year, the Learning Systems Innovation (LSI) team in OTDI sends surveys to samples of tool users. These surveys ask respondents to rate our current toolset based on usefulness and ease of use. Respondents are also asked about the importance of various tool features and how likely they would be to recommend the tool. The overall goal is to hear firsthand from instructors and students what’s working well and where there is room for improvement. OTDI uses this feedback to inform service improvement plans, and, if applicable, help determine what features Ohio State needs in a new tool.
For example, feedback from survey respondents who use Mediasite led to the release of new features, like browser-based recording and automated captioning. Also, survey data showed instructors and students were happy with Turnitin, which was a factor when considering new academic integrity tools. This feedback, coupled with a thorough tool evaluation, led Ohio State to renew its contract with Turnitin.
This spring, the LSI team will be reaching out to random samples of Top Hat and Mediasite users. If you have used these tools recently in your course, you may be part of that sample.
Whether you receive a survey or not, you can always share your thoughts on teaching and learning tools by emailing the Learning Systems Innovation team. Your feedback will help shape the future of teaching and learning at Ohio State.