Employee Spotlight February 2025
Close up photo of Reg in Ohio State's football stadium.

Reg Jackson

Security Engineer

Meet Security Engineer Reg Jackson. This Bobcat turned Buckeye has worked at Ohio State for eight years. He plays a crucial role in cybersecurity education and outreach, helping colleagues navigate the digital world safely. Collaborating with curious, innovative minds is what he enjoys most, likening OTDI to an "amusement park" for ideas. Speaking of which, he recently visited Disney World with his family, and it left such a lasting impression that a return trip is already on the horizon.

Q: What is your role at the university? Security Engineer

Q: How long have you worked at Ohio State? 8 years

Q: What are you currently working on? What does a typical day look like for you? I am responsible for cybersecurity education and outreach. Essentially, we’re helping colleagues live a safer digital life. That includes when at work (not clicking phish, creating, sharing, storing data safely) but also at home (avoiding scams, protecting privacy and property).

Q: What do you like best about your job? I love collaborating with curious and thoughtful colleagues. I enjoy playing with ideas, and OTDI is full of bright folks looking to innovate. It’s like an amusement park for me.

Q: How do you create and innovate? Whenever possible, I search for a second brain to make ideas valuable. This place is complex in so many ways, it takes a group effort to think through all the impacts of an action. If we can, together, find something that works, chances are we can implement something valuable. With continued participation with those affected, we can continue to iterate and improve.

Q: Did you always know this is what you wanted to do as a career? I stumbled into cybersecurity and have been thankful ever since. However, I’ve always been fascinated by the future. Being able to have one foot in technology and another in the personal side has been thrilling.

Q: Why did you choose to work at Ohio State? My grandmother was a student in the 1930’s, Mack Hall! She was a farm girl and her mother was a suffragette who saved the egg money for her daughter’s education. Since then both of my parents and my two brothers have graduated from THE Ohio State University. I am a graduate of Ohio University, so I tell everyone I’m here to pay my penance for having the audacity to get a degree from somewhere else. But frankly, there is no place I’d rather work.

Q: What is your favorite place to visit? Recency bias, but our family took our first trip to Disney World in January. It stays with you when you leave. We’ll probably go back sooner than later.