Turnitin Confirmed as Ohio State’s Enterprise Anti-Plagiarism Tool

In Spring 2024, a committee of faculty and staff recommended that Ohio State continue use of Turnitin Feedback Studio, an anti-plagiarism tool integrated with CarmenCanvas. The committee reviewed two different tools that met the minimum requirements, out of an initial field of five RFP respondents, and Turnitin scored highest across the criteria rated. Turnitin also offers a higher level of privacy and security than other available tools. For example, submissions from Ohio State students stay internal to the university, meaning other universities can’t access them for comparison and the vendor cannot use them to train their AI models. As a result, the committee recommended that Ohio State renew its contract with Turnitin.
The Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI) also surveyed Turnitin users during the past academic year. Turnitin received high usability scores among instructors and students, earning a rating of “excellent.”
The committee that selected Turnitin Feedback Studio was comprised of representatives from the Office of Academic Affairs, University Libraries, Ohio State Online, the Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Engineering, the Center for the Study of Teaching and Writing, and the Committee on Academic Misconduct.
Learn more about Turnitin in the Teaching and Learning Resource Center.