Technology Strategies to Keep Working during the Coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19)

We’re all doing our part to stop the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). There are more and more sensible reasons to work from home – from the lengthened suspension of Ohio State’s face-to-face classes to the Governor’s order to keep K-12 children out of school for a few weeks.
We've collected resources to help you Keep Working during this time. Our site designed to answer all of your technology questions, including:
- As a manager, what do I need to do to support staff working from home?
- What technology do I need to work from home?
- What are best practices for staying in touch and etiquette for interacting with colleagues?
- What cybersecurity measures should I consider?
- OCIO manages our department IT, are there additional instructions available to help me work from home?
OHR is also supporting your efforts to work from home, and has collected everything you need to know about policies and procedures on their telecommuting page.
In addition, you can consult your local IT support or the IT Service Desk for additional help with technology concerns. The IT Service Desk offers 24-hour support, seven days a week, via email and phone.
Phone: 614-688-4357
Self-Service and Chat support:
Text Telephone for the Deaf: 614-688-8743