Box Introduces New User Interface this Summer

As we continue our move from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive, continues its business as usual. Very soon they will soon be making changes to improve their user interface. They will move users to the new interface – in groups – starting on June 30. This is a change that Box is making, not an Ohio State change, and it will not impact everyone at the same time. The "start date" is June 30, but if you are still using BuckeyeBox, you may see this change at any time during July.
Box has tried to make the interface simpler so users can organize and access files more easily. We cannot block this change, and many people at Ohio State are still using BuckeyeBox. Since it will take us several more months to migrate everyone, this article will keep you updated on these changes. To limit your exposure to these changes, you can begin setting up new projects in Teams and OneDrive.
One new feature is “Collections,” which allow you to create and name private groupings of content in your Box account. Collections enable you to organize files in a way that makes sense to you, based on your priorities and workload. Your collaborators cannot see your Collections; from their view files are shared and linked to from their original folder.
The location of a few key actions in Box have changed:
- When you select a folder row in Box, the Share button was previously located on the right side of the app in the folder detail pane. The Share button is now a primary action in the top action bar.
- The ability to add an item to Favorites moved out of the top left breadcrumb to the top right of the action bar. You can now add an item to Favorites or My Collections.
- All action buttons in the action bar have been optimized for display based on top actions you take in Box. Any action you no longer see is still accessible in the top action bar. To see the full list of actions, click the ellipsis button "...".
- Those are just a few basics. You can read Box’s website to learn more about the new user interface.
If you have any questions, contact the IT Service Desk online or by phone at 614-688-HELP (4357).