Split Position Designation Available on Spend Authorization and Expense Report

Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports now permit the designation of a specific position for payees who hold split positions. The new "Position" field will only be visible on the header of the Spend Authorization or Expense Report when the payee is a worker with split positions. Selection of a position will designate the default worktags on the lines, drive the business process approvals, and ensure that the correct manager receives the notification when a spend authorization is created. If the position designation is changed after lines are entered on the Spend Authorization, the default worktags for that position will only apply to new lines and no overrides to information already populated will occur. When a Spend Authorization with a position designation is linked to an Expense Report, the position designation will automatically populate and cannot be changed, ensuring position consistency across both transactions.  

For questions, contact the Travel Office at travel@osu.edu or 614-292-9290.