Coming Soon: Cost of Sales Worktag Changes

The "Cost of Sales" worktag changes listed below are coming soon.

Validations on Expenditure Treatment (ET101)

Next month, Workday validations will be placed in various spend business processes to ensure the cost of sales expenditure treatment worktag can only be utilized by approved university earnings operations (Funds FD120, FD121, FD122 and FD200). As a reminder, use of the ET101 expenditure treatment drives the transaction accounting to the cost of sales ledger account (61020). Please refer to the university earnings operation policy for additional guidance and the full definition of cost of sales.

Inactivation of Cost of Sales Spend Category (SC10258)

The Cost of Sales Spend Category (SC10258) will be inactivated for future use, as it does not meet the definition of spend category. ET101 plus the appropriate earnings fund value should be used to designate cost of sales.