Media Platform RFP Seeks to Improve Media Recording, Editing, Sharing

The Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI) is leading a Request for Proposals (RFP) for an enterprise-wide media platform to support teaching and learning at the university.
Ohio State has been using Mediasite to manage lecture capture and media distribution since 2014. A lot has changed since the university last engaged in a competitive bidding process for a media platform. Our online and hybrid student population has grown, and the technology landscape is very different. Our goal is to ensure the university has the most accessible and user-friendly platform available, making it easy for instructors and students to record and edit media and share it in CarmenCanvas and elsewhere.
The RFP is open through early September, after which an evaluation committee made up of representatives from across the university will assess the bids and select one tool to pilot from mid-November through mid-March. At this time, the committee will vote again on whether to adopt the tool that was chosen for the pilot.
This DOES NOT mean we are getting rid of Mediasite in the immediate future. Sonic Foundry, owner of Mediasite, is welcome to submit a bid for this RFP. If a new tool is selected, we anticipate both Mediasite and the new tool will both be in use during the 2023-2024 academic year at least. If Ohio State discontinues its contract with Sonic Foundry, that change will be communicated well in advance, and OTDI will assist individuals and units in navigating the change.
OTDI is reaching out to representatives across the university as well as student groups to ensure a diverse evaluation committee that represents the interests of instructors and students.
If you would like to receive regular updates about this project, you can sign up for the Media Platform RFP mailing list.