Ohio Open Ed Collaborative Participants Selected

The Ohio Open Ed Collaborative (OOEC) has selected educators from various institutions across Ohio to update existing open content for introductory courses on Psychology, Biology and Composition.
The first round of content curation for the OOEC project occurred from 2017 through 2019, but transfer guidelines were updated in 2021. Once guidelines were updated, members of the Transfer Assurance Guideline (TAG) committee were asked to review the OOEC content to assess if learning objectives still mapped to the Ohio Transfer 36 guidelines. Gaps were found in the content and the OOEC steering committee reconvened to select courses and faculty teams.
Seven previous faculty participants have agreed to work on this project, including two who will return as team leads. Three instructors from Ohio State are also participating as content contributors. Kay Halasek and Angel Evans will be working on content for Composition 1 & 2, while Elizabeth Weiss will be contributing content for Introduction to Psychology.
Project work will begin in late February with teams participating in a virtual kick off meeting followed by content updates that will wrap before the autumn 2023 semester.
Learn more about OOEC and explore available course content.
OOEC work in 2023 will focus on updating the content for the following courses:
- Introduction to Psychology with APA update
- Bio 1 with lab manual
- Bio 2 with lab manual
- Composition 1
- Composition 2
OOEC is a statewide collaboration to address textbook affordability. Diverse faculty teams from Ohio State, Ohio Dominican University, North Central State College and 15 other community colleges across Ohio convened to curate and create open educational resources for 22 of our shared high-enrollment courses. As a result, faculty across Ohio are helping to facilitate adoption of free, high quality course materials that comply with Ohio’s Transfer Assurance Guidelines (TAGs). Any questions about this project can be directed to the Affordable Learning Exchange.