Microsoft Office Hours in June Focus on Your Unique Microsoft 365 Use Cases
The Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI) will be hosting its next Informational Microsoft Office Hours on Tuesday, June 11 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. There is no cost to attend this session, but you must register to attend. This session is designed for faculty and staff within the university; instruction provided does not apply to staff using the medical center version of Office 365.
This session is structured around use cases or unique scenarios submitted by YOU. Hearing your user stories and scenarios enables us to tailor instructional content to your unique needs. We will demonstrate specific features to spark new ideas on how you might use Microsoft tools to enhance your processes and workflows.
To prepare, add your use cases to the informational survey when you register for the session. We will accept submission of use cases and scenarios until May 31, at 5 p.m.
Presenters will include Senior Staff Training Developer Mandy Gagliardi and Director of Unified Communications Jason Pollock. Don’t miss out on this opportunity — we eagerly await your use case submissions!! If you have questions, contact OTDI's Training and Development team.