Why You Should Attend Cybersecurity Days Even If You (think that you) Have No Cybersecurity Responsibilities?

In the past, you could simply avoid taking part in the digital world and lead a private, offline life. That's no longer the case. In fact, because so many of the companies you do business with collect personal information, you could assume your information is already in the hands of cybercriminals. We can’t avoid leaving digital footprints.
Cybercrime is a crime of opportunity, and your data is a lucrative business. That’s why everyone should pay more attention to his or her digital life. Interested in learning more about how you can protect yourself?
Join us for Ohio State’s Cybersecurity Days Community Forum on October 2 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Ohio Union. We’ve arranged for some of the most renowned technology giants and cybersecurity experts to join us for the day to share their knowledge. We’re offering a wide variety of sessions to teach you everything that an everyday user of technology needs to know about security and data protection.
A little IT security knowledge can go a long way in defending your information against cybercriminals. Visit our Cybersecurity Days event page for all the details. Some sessions dig a little deeper into the technical issues for IT pros, including two additional professional development days created for especially for IT professionals.
Cybersecurity Days Community Forum Topics
- Why is your Bluetooth speaker recording your discussions and emailing them to contacts? Learn what you can do to protect your privacy in a world where vendors are selling your data to third parties.
- Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in our everyday lives. Just how savvy are those cybercriminals?
- How much trust should you have in the security of the “Internet of Things” (IoT) – networked, non-computer devices like TVs, DVR players, garage door openers and security systems. What are the risks of connecting all your devices?
- Not all hacks are technical. Learn how to spot social engineering tactics designed to gain your trust and lower your guard.
- What is the Dark Web? Take a tour behind the curtain and see what type of personal data cybercriminals are interested in buying, selling and trading.
Test your Knowledge: Did You Know?
If you think you have cybersecurity expertise, there's always more to learn! If you're a beginner, the Community Forum is a great starting point. For example, did you know:
- Online attackers have compromised sensitive information on more than half of all U.S. adults (recall breaches at Experian, Target, and others). Companies use personal data as an identity test, which means cybercriminals can access massive amounts of information if they can breach a company’s systems.
- If you lose anything to cyber-theft, you’re likely not getting it back -- many cybercriminals are in countries outside of U.S. legal jurisdiction. Cybercrime has become increasingly serious over the past 20 years and the economic impact has skyrocketed.
- It’s important to use good passwords and all safety measures offered to you for online versions of tax filings, credit-card transactions, health data and any other service that has your personal information. If you don't, a cybercriminal might get access and use it to steal your identity.
Visit our Cybersecurity Days event page and register now to join us!