Mastering Office 365: No Storage for New BuckeyeBox Accounts Beginning May 11

As we move away from BuckeyeBox and onto OneDrive, we know that new employees may still need BuckeyeBox to collaborate with existing users. However, new users will not be able to create and own new files and folders.
Anyone who requests a new account on May 11 or later will have their storage allotment set to zero. This enables new users to save documents to existing folders owned by other users and to collaborate on any content that is shared with them.
We encourage all users to begin new projects in OneDrive in preparation for the retirement of BuckeyeBox.
We are available to help. For assistance, contact the IT Service Desk for 24-hour support, seven days a week, via email and phone.
Phone: 614-688-4357 (HELP)
Self Service and chat support: