Changes to Controls for Employees Using Adobe Acrobat Mobile App

In our continued effort to protect our data, provide great service and responsible stewards of our resources, we will begin managing university accounts on the Adobe Acrobat mobile app at the end of this month, on Feb. 24. This change will enable you to open PDF attachments from Outlook Mobile and OneDrive in Adobe Acrobat Mobile. If you use Adobe Acrobat mobile, and are logging in with a personal email, this change will not affect your personal account.

Users who use Adobe Acrobat mobile for university business and log in with a university email will be required to opt-in to university management of the app. Once you opt in, you will not see the request to approve app management again. This opt-in will be required on both university and personal devices – but only if you are logging in using your Ohio State email.

What to Expect

After Feb. 24, you may notice the following:

  • When you first open a mobile Adobe Acrobat application, you will be prompted to log in to Office 365 with your University account to enable management.  You will be required to create a PIN/password similar to the Office 365 mobile apps.  The next time you open the app, you will be able to use biometrics if the device is equipped with that capability and that is your preference. More details are available in the Knowledge Base (link is external).
  • You were required to set a PIN when you first logged into your Office 365 mobile apps. If you do not know your application pin you can use the “Reset Pin” link in the app to reset the pin and continue log in.

Need Help?

If you need help or have questions, contact your local IT support or the IT Service Desk for technical assistance. The IT Service Desk offers 24-hour support, seven days a week, via email and phone.

Phone: 614-688-4357
Self-Service and Chat support: is external)
Text Telephone for the Deaf: 614-688-8743