Recent and Upcoming Reporting Enhancements as of May 20

Below are details about reporting changes as of May 20.

Supplier Invoice Reports Updated to replace Deprecated Field:
The reports below have been updated to remove deprecated field Supplier Category and replace it with an alternate field Supplier Category for Supplier. End users with saved filters will be impacted but a targeted email went out to this population on Monday, May 13.

  • Find Supplier Invoice Summary - OSU
  • Find Supplier Invoice Details - OSU
  • Supplier Invoices Unpaid Summary


Coming Soon: UNIV Remaining Encumbrances - Requisitions, POs, Spend Authorizations:
A new report will soon be released to help end users identify transactions and their encumbrances that will roll forward add the end of the fiscal year. The new report is called "UNIV Remaining Encumbrances - Requisitions, POs, Spend Authorizations." This report can be run using various funding prompts such as Cost Center Hierarchies, Grant Hierarchies, and Worktags. The output will be displayed by Cost Center Hierarchy and will show the number of requisitions, purchase orders and spend authorizations as well as the total encumbrance amount for each.  Users can also drill on the hierarchy down to the cost center level to see more granular detail if desired.

Project Sources and Uses Updates:
The Report Project Sources and Uses has been updated with the below enhancements. Users with saved filters may need to use the "Manage My Saved Filters" task to update their filter to the new Time Period to prevent it from being overridden when using a saved filter.

  • Default Time Period Prompt has been updated to "Project Life to Date"
  • "Funding" section is now labeled "Sources/Funding"
  • "Spend" section is now labeled "Uses/Spend"
  • "Balance" is now labeled "Net Margin"
  • Informational text has been added to the Prompt section of the report