Move to Workday for Transaction Data

This communication is being shared with those who have a database user ID or service account that has access to the OCIO Oracle Financial Data Warehouse (DWRPT) and/or the OCIO Redshift Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW).

With implementation of Workday in January 2021, the human resources, payroll, supply chain and financial transactions that flow from PeopleSoft will end. As PeopleSoft is taken offline, Workday will become the new system of record for most business transactions at Ohio State.

This shutdown means that the relevant HR and Finance System data that flows into the DWRPT database and the EDW database from PeopleSoft will stop and the data within these systems will become static and historical. The OCIO Data and Analytics team is working to migrate data from the legacy databases into the new Reporting and Analytics Environment (RAE) for use by reports and data analysts.

Note: This communication applies to HR, PAY, SCM, and FIN data within the OCIO analytics data stores. Student analytics data stores (ODS, Datamarts, Student portion of EDW) are unaffected. Communication for audiences affected by related Student data changes will be handled separately.

What does this mean for you?

  • If you are pulling HR or financial data from the databases mentioned previously to support data needs within your organization, you should have been working with the Enterprise Project Team to acquire the data you need from Workday or other OCIO data services and feeds. Many teams are retiring systems that were associated with these feeds or have been working with the Enterprise Project Integrations Team to build new feeds. Depending on your path forward, your systems should expect to stop receiving updated data from DWRPT or EDW, starting in January 2021. As we stated above, the data within these systems will still exist, but will no longer be updated.
  • Access for your user ID will remain active until June 2021. This will allow you time to gracefully shutdown any systems or processes that you have in place.
  • Analysts using these data sources for reports or other analyses, will be able to begin using historical data versions of the tables as soon as the data is migrated into the RAE (copies begin in January 2021). You will continue to have access to data in the RAE for historical reporting for the near future and beyond.
  • In January 2021 the OCIO Data and Analytics Team will rollout access to the new Workday section of the RAE. This area of the data lake will be populated with tables that are loaded nightly from Workday. You can expect to see similar HR and FIN datasets that are currently found in the DWRPT and EDW today, but in Workday format, including data categorizations and values that can be found in the new enterprise Foundational Data Model (FDM). With the proper access approvals, you will be able to use this data in reports, dashboards, and other analyses.

This is the first communication with regards to the changes coming for DWRPT and EDW. In the coming weeks, we will provide updates with more detail about specific dates for changes.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to the Data and Analytics Team.