Teaching in CarmenCanvas Site Highlights LMS Best Practices

The Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE) recently launched a new section of the odee.osu.edu website dedicated to inspiring new teaching and learning strategies at The Ohio State University. The Teaching in CarmenCanvas site brings together a wide variety of resources from Ohio State faculty, instructional designers, other universities and the makers of the Canvas software that powers Carmen. The goal of this new site is to keep faculty engaged with the teaching tools available to them and to help them learn new and innovative ways to improve their teaching strategies.
As an instructor, have you ever wondered how other faculty members organize their courses, or how teachers at other institutions use the same LMS platform? Maybe you’ve been dying to know how to prepare your students for online course material. Maybe you just want to read a story from someone using parts of Carmen you are unfamiliar with, to spark an idea of how you can better utilize the tool for your own courses. Now you can find answers to those types of questions at the Teaching in CarmenCanvas site at https://odee.osu.edu/CarmenCanvas. (Hint—you can also find this site under “Instructors” on the odee.osu.edu site.)
We’ll be sharing best practices, faculty stories, community discussions from other Canvas users, technical tutorial videos, model courses, branded templates and more. This site will house fresh content at the start of every semester, so be sure to check back for rotating innovative ideas!
ODEE wants this site to be valuable to Ohio State’s instructional staff, so your feedback is greatly appreciated. If you have something you’d like to share or a topic you’d like us to explore, please contact carmen@osu.edu.