Updates to Cash Advances for Human Subjects, Petty Cash, and Change Funds 

An updated job aid for "Cash Advances for Human Subjects, Petty Cash, and Change Funds" will be posted to the Administrative Resource Center (ARC) on Monday, December 11. The job aid has been enhanced and describes how to request petty cash/change funds while also outlining the related accounting impacts. 

New spend and revenue categories have also been created to support this process. The naming conventions for select new spend categories and revenue categories have been updated to provide more visibility to the related accounting changes. These updates allow for more direct mapping to ledger accounts for change funds and more transparent description of selection options. 

End users should review the changes listed below to determine whether spend category or revenue category selections should be updated during the process for cash advances for human subjects, petty cash, or change funds.

Petty Cash and Cash Advances for Human Subjects
ActivityProcessNew / Updated Spend or Revenue CategoryReplaces Links to Ledger Account
Open Petty Cash 

Miscellaneous Payment Process 

SC10975 - Petty Cash Withdrawal

SC10975 - Petty Cash Replenishment 

10020 - Petty Cash 

Replenish Petty Cash – Non-OSP 

Miscellaneous Payment Process 

SC10975 - Petty Cash Withdrawal

SC10975 - Petty Cash Replenishment 

10020 - Petty Cash 

Replenish Petty Cash – OSP 

Miscellaneous Payment Process 

SC10249 - Research Subjects (no change to existing process) 

SC10249 - Research Subjects (no change to existing process) 

66050 - Other Expense 

Close Petty Cash 

Cash Sale

RC1818 - Petty Cash (Deposit) 

RC1818 - Petty Cash 

10020 - Petty Cash 

Record Petty Cash Shortage 

Reconciliation of Petty Cash 

SC11015 - Petty Cash or Change Fund Short 

N/A – No Prior Spend Category 

66050 - Other Expense 

Change Funds
ActivityProcessNew / Updated Spend or Revenue CategoryReplaces Links to Ledger Account
Open or Replenish a Change Fund

Miscellaneous Payment Process 

SC11014 - Change Fund Withdrawal 

SC10975 - Petty Cash Replenishment

10030 - Change Fund 

Close a Change Fund 

Cash Sale

RC1842 - Change Fund Deposit 

RC1818 - Petty Cash 

10030 - Change Fund 

Record Change Fund Revenue 

Reconciliation of Change Fund 

RC1087 - Change Fund Over 

RC1087 - Cash Over and Short 

42000 - Sales and Services 

Record Change Fund Shortage 

Reconciliation of Change Fund 

SC11015 - Petty Cash or Change Fund Short 

N/A – No Prior Spend Category 

66050 - Other Expense