New NC-SARA Reporting Guides

The National Council of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) released updated Data Reporting Guides this month for reporting online students and out-of-state, on-ground students. As a SARA participating institution, Ohio State is required to report student location data to NC-SARA every spring. Participation in SARA allows Ohio State to offer online programs and on-ground activities in 48 SARA member states, territories and districts.
The Data Reporting Guide requires Ohio State to report the number of students enrolled exclusively in distance education disaggregated by state. The state authorization team partners with the Office of Institutional Research and Planning to collect and report this information.
In addition, a new Placement Reporting Guide was released. The guide outlines reporting requirements for out-of-state clinical rotations, student teaching, internships or other on-ground, for-credit experiences. Reporting this placement data is optional in 2018, but will likely be mandatory in 2019. The state authorization team will continue to work with the Office of Institutional Research and Planning, the University Registrar and state authorization liaisons in each college to collect and report this placement information.
Look for more information soon regarding future NC-SARA data collection for on-ground student placements. Contact the state authorization team with questions about data collection or reporting.