Workday Inbox Filters: New for Supply Chain, Finance Tasks

New Inbox Filters for Workday were created mid-June for use on requisitions, match exceptions, supplier invoice requests, supplier invoices, spend authorizations, expense reports, and miscellaneous payment requests. The filters are specifically for tasks within the CCH8 cost center hierarchy. The naming conventions for these filters are:

  • Requisitions: XCF_EMI_Requisition_CCH8
  • Supplier Invoice Requests: XCF_EMI_Supplier_Invoice_Request_CCH8
  • Match Exceptions: XCF_EMI_Match_Exception_CCH8
  • Supplier Invoices: XCF_EMI_Supplier_Invoice_Document_CCH8
  • Spend Authorizations: XCF_LH_Spend_Authorization_CCH8
  • Expense Reports: XCF_ARI_Expense_Report_CCH8
  • Miscellaneous Payments: XCF_ARI_Miscellaneous_Payment_Request_CCH8


Instructions for using filters appear in the Create, Edit and Apply an Inbox Filter job aid. Once created, these filters should deliver results accordingly.

When creating a new inbox filter: 

  • In the "Source External Field" area, enter the new calculated filter labeled for the specific type of transaction, above.
  • The relational operator should state, "any in the selection list," with the comparison type defaulting to "value specified in this filter."
  • The comparison value field should be narrowed down to your specific CCH8 cost center area or needs.