BuckeyePass Now Protects LabArchives

We’re constantly working to keep your personal information out of the hands of cybercriminals. One line of defense is multi-factor authentication, because having more than one step for logging in to your accounts significantly reduces the risk of your information being accessed by unauthorized individuals. This is why we’ve added BuckeyePass to university systems that cybercriminals would likely target—Employee Self Service, Buckeye Link, BuckeyeBox and more.

In addition to these services, we’ve also enabled BuckeyePass as an extra layer of security for LabArchives. This cloud-based electronic lab notebook software allows users to securely record, manage and share data. Research data is often sensitive and personal, and BuckeyePass will help protect that valuable information for researchers and students in the lab and in the field.

Visit buckeyepass.osu.edu for more information.