Subaward Issues with Roll-forward Encumbrances
As a part of fiscal year-end activities, subaward supplier contract encumbrances will be closed out for FY23 and re-opened in FY24. An encumbrance will not roll-forward into FY24 if a subaward supplier contract has an "Amendment in Process" status. This issue was confirmed in testing. As a result, the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is providing the guidance below for subaward supplier contract amendments.
- Friday, June 16 - Last day to create new supplier contracts in FY23.
- Tuesday, June 27 - Last day to approve any in-flight subaward supplier contract amendments by close of business.
- Wednesday, June 28 - OSP will cancel any remaining in-flight subaward supplier contract amendments to allow encumbrance to roll-forward.
- Beginning Saturday, July 1 - Any cancelled subaward supplier contract amendments can start to be resubmitted.
The Subaward Supplier Contract Initiator in the department can resubmit any cancelled amendments. Please work with your Sponsored Program Officer (SPO) and Principal Investigator (PI) if you have any in-flight supplier contract subaward amendments before June 27. The goal is to avoid having these amendments cancelled before fiscal year-end.