Mac Users to install Enterprise Connect
The following applies to all Managed IT Services partners
The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) is switching from Centrify to Enterprise Connect to manage log ins and passwords for Mac computers.
Enterprise Connect includes features such as improved password syncing, password expiration countdown and change password link. You will still log in to your machine the same way but may see a different screen upon reboot and software updates. No more needing to type in your old password! Now upon changing your password every 180 days, your keychain will automatically update to sync your new password with your Mac.
The install process requires scheduling a 15 minute in person set up with an IT Service Desk technician. Afterward, you will log in per usual and no further action is required. If you are not currently running Mojave, you will also be upgraded to Mojave resulting in an increase to the duration of the appointment up to one hour. If you have questions following your appointment, visit the FAQ page.
Please contact the IT Service Desk via online Self Service at or call 614-688-HELP (4357) and select option 3 to set up an appointment by Monday, December 16.