IT and Security Event Expanded to Accommodate Deeper Educational Dive

Information technology and cybersecurity fields are constantly evolving, making it crucial for professionals to keep up with the most current information, education and trends. Enterprise Security at The Ohio State University is making sure IT professionals within the university and the Wexner Medical Center are at the forefront of these ever-changing fields.
Enter Cybersecurity Days.
This educational event series provides meaningful training and resources to the university IT community and beyond in a format that fulfills University Information Security Framework Training requirements, while also establishing ways to collaborate, build relationships and educate each other. This year marks the first time this educational event will span multiple days, allowing attendees to take a deeper dive into topics in which they are interested.
The entire university community is welcome to participate in one, two or all three days. Each day will have different tracks or sessions from which to choose. These include:
Thursday, Sept. 21 – Community Forum
The Community Forum will include a keynote address and three security tracks: management, research and compliance, and technology.
The keynote speaker will be Wendy Nather, Principal Security Strategist at Duo Security. She speaks regularly on topics ranging from threat intelligence to identity and access management, risk analysis, incident response, data security, and societal and privacy issues. Nather is a co-author of The Cloud Security Rules, and was listed as one of SC Magazine's Women in IT Security "Power Players" in 2014.
Tuesday, Sept. 26 – Application Security Training Course
The Application Security Training Course will cover the four technical skills required by security researchers, software quality assurance and test engineers, or developers concerned about security: source code auditing, fuzzing, reverse engineering, and exploitation. Exploitation discussions and labs are the exciting final component.
Monday, Oct. 9 – System Security Training Course
The System Security Training Course will focus on Red Hat Linux System Hardening. The course will cover several easy and practical steps you can do to take to make your system significantly more resilient to attacks without being difficult to manage or use.
Speaker details and a developing schedule can be found at
Attendance to all Cybersecurity Days is free and open to Ohio State and Wexner Medical Center employees and students. Register here
External guests can still submit a registration request and may receive an invitation within a week of the event.