RAE Soft Launch

In August 2019, the Data and Analytics Team launched a very early version of the Reporting and Analytics Environment (RAE) in the new Production Amazon Web Services environment. The purpose of the soft launch was to place all of the major technical components of the RAE into a production environment, validate networking between AWS and the Ohio State internal network, confirm the security configurations, and perform some initial baseline performance testing. For the soft launch, we focused on five datasets from six different systems. We also deployed the first set of Tableau Data Sources based on some of the data sources loaded. Tableau Data Sources are intended to be reusable and pre-configured datasets that analysts can utilize to build their own ad-hoc analysis or reports using Tableau Web Authoring or Tableau Desktop. The TDS we deployed have a direct connection to the underlying datasets within the RAE and will be refreshed as the RAE is refreshed. For the soft launch, we deployed the following datasets and TDS:
RAE Schema
Tableau Data Source
eTravel Payments Data
Degrees Conferred Data
SL CERT Degrees Conferred (OESAR)
Facilities Buildings Data
SL CERT OSU Building Data (SIMS)
Sungard Accounting Data
PeopleSoft Sick Leave Data
SL CERT Sick Balance for Terminated Employees
This is the very first iteration of the RAE and we will continue to iterate up until the final Production Go Live in July 2020.