Updates to BuckeyePass mean you'll authenticate less often!

BuckeyePass powered by Duo is Ohio State’s multi-factor authentication (MFA) service that protects your account even if your password is stolen. Starting Feb. 11, technical updates to the tool will make logging in easier—you'll authenticate less often! In addition, changes to Alternative Bypass Codes will improve security around how they're generated and used.
Longer Term for “Remember Me”
The Office of Technology and Digital Innovation’s Digital Security and Trust team is extending the “Remember Me” feature to enable it to remember users for seven days. Currently it requires you to authenticate once every 24 hours.
With this change, if you are working in one of your usual locations, BuckeyePass will maintain your authentication for 7 days. A risk-based authentication policy allows the tool to recognize locations where you routinely work as “trusted locations.” If you are logging in from a new place, you will be required to reauthenticate.
Changes to Using Duo Mobile Passcodes
Currently, single-use codes remain valid until they are entered into Duo. Security is being tightened for Duo mobile passcodes. Going forward they must be used immediately because they will rotate every 30 seconds.
Alternative Bypass Codes can now be generated via self-service or provided by the IT Service Desk. One use for these codes is when entering testing centers or secure environments that do not allow you to bring your personal device.
If you need an Alternative Bypass Code that is valid for a longer period of time, visit the BuckeyePass website and choose the “Generate an Alternative Bypass Code” menu item that is at the top right side of the page. A code generated from this source is valid for 12 hours and can be used twice.
More Information
These updates to BuckeyePass reflect our commitment to keeping your accounts secure while also making authentication more convenient. As always, we’re here to help—visit the Digital Security and Trust and BuckeyePass websites for more details and support.