Find the Assistance You Need Through ODEE’s On-Demand Resources

The new year has begun bringing chances and opportunities to set yourself up for 365 days of success. The Office of Distance Education and eLearning has a plethora of offerings for instructors at The Ohio State University to help them better their skills in the classroom and online.
ODEE’s resources and services range from in-person workshops directed by the experts, to on-demand articles and videos that can provide quick support when needed. Some of these offered resources and services include:
In-Person Opportunities
ODEE Trainings, Workshops, and Webinars
The experts in the ODEE offer trainings, workshops and webinars on topics related to distance education and online learning. You can access these opportunities by visiting the ODEE Events website.
IT Service Desk
If an instructor is having a problem with one of ODEE’s offered services, the IT Service Desk can help them get back up and running. Instructors can content the Service Desk by calling 614-688-4357(HELP) or by emailing them directly.
Online Offerings
ODEE Resource Center
The Resource Center is a hub for online support related to ODEE systems and general technology assistance. On the website, an instructor can find information related to:
- Ohio State’s Learning Management System Carmen (Canvas)
- Help Articles (filtered by service)
- Instructional Videos (filtered by service)
- Frequently Asked Questions (filtered by service)
- Known Issues (filtered by service)
Users can search the Resource Center for specific information they need. Additionally, users can contact ODEE Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) directly if the information they desire is not available on the website.
Distance Education Webpage
On the Distance Education webpage, instructors can find information related to different areas of distance education and resources the ODEE experts offer.
Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning
The Drake Institute is on a mission to support and advocate for all who teach at Ohio State. They aim to help the university’s instructors approach their work in a scholarly and reflective way, engaging with the research on effective pedagogies, promoting continuous improvement for student learning.
UCAT and ODEE partner to offer resources to instructors who are dedicated to bettering their teaching. Through this partnership they work to offer the Course Design Institute (CDI), an intensive workshop where instructors get hands-on guidance to design or redesign a specific course. CDIs are offered once during a semester in a traditional, in-person offering and fully online.
Interested instructors can learn more and apply for the CDI by visiting the Drake Institute's website.
Are you ready to learn new skills, set yourself up for success, and get involved with what ODEE has to offer? Take advantage of the offerings listed above and reach out to our team for additional help. Make sure you never miss a new event by signing up for the ODEE Workshop Newsletter and by keeping your eyes on our website.