Approval granted to continue on-ground D.C. experiences

The District of Columbia Higher Education Licensure Commission (HELC) has granted approval for The Ohio State University to continue to operate in Washington, D.C.
Initial approval for Ohio State’s on-ground activities in Washington, D.C. was granted in 2019, and is required to be renewed annually. The approval applies only to the John Glenn Washington Academic Internship Program, John Glenn Master of Public Administration-D.C. and the Moritz Washington, D.C. Summer Program.
To maintain approval for Ohio State’s Washington activities, the university’s state authorization team partners with staff in the Glenn College and the Moritz College of Law to complete the HELC Conditional Exemption Renewal Application, which the commission approved in August 2021. The application requires updated institutional and program information, completion of an annual data survey, and submission of a $1,500 renewal fee. The state authorization team also partnered with various campus stakeholders, including both the Glenn College and Mortiz College of Law, to prepare a detailed COVID-19 reopening plan to ensure Ohio State and district policies were being met.
Washington, D.C. is a member of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), which allows Ohio State to offer most online programs and field experiences in the district without seeking HELC approval. However, SARA does not cover establishing a physical presence such as owning or leasing property in a SARA state or district. Because Ohio State leases classroom and office space in the district., HELC approval is required. Completion of the HELC approval and renewal process ensures compliance with Washington regulations and allows Ohio State students to participate in distinctive experiences that cannot be replicated anywhere else.
Please contact the state authorization team if your unit is interested in seeking approval to operate outside of SARA in Washington, D.C. or other locations.