Number One in Continuing Education

Ohio State’s continuing education services are the best in Columbus—but don’t take our word for it. Last summer 12,659 Columbus CEO Readers ranked continuing education programs throughout central Ohio. Ohio State was the top choice, no doubt due to a stellar Student Services team providing top-notch support for students who come to Ohio State for learning outside of a degree track.
Through our Extended Education program and Program 60, student services provides support with scheduling, navigating university resources, and a friendly face for everyday questions about life as a Buckeye.
Enrolling in a school this size means it is important to have a helping hand to avoid getting lost in the shuffle. This is especially important for students who aren’t tied to a college or degree program.
“That’s where my team steps in,” said Corinna Owens, Director of Student Services in ODEE. “We see returning students looking to refresh their skills and boost their careers. We encourage Program 60 students to learn and connect across generational boundaries. We make sure our students make use of the resources all over campus so they can be successful.”
Columbus has spoken, and ODEE’s Student Services team reigns champion for another year.