Recent Finance and Supply Chain Report Updates and Changes

Cost Center – FDM Values Report:

In preparation for Position Control enhancements, a new "Central Review Required" field has been added to the output of the "Cost Center – FDM Values" report. This field will be used to identify whether a cost center will require central review within the job requisition business process.  

Find Purchase Order Summary – OSU:

The "Find Purchase Order Summary – OSU" report has been enhanced with two new additional fields to the report output. The new fields are “Initiator of BP” and "Last Activity Date." The "Initiator of the BP" (Business Process) identifies who initiated the business process while the "Last Activity Date" field was added to help end users find purchase orders that have not had recent activity.

Find Purchase Order Details – OSU:

The "Find Purchase Order Details – OSU" report has been enhanced with two new additional fields in the report output. The new field names are “Last Invoice Date,” and "Last Activity Date." These fields were added to help end users find purchase orders that have not had recent activity. This allows end users to identify which purchase orders may need to remain open and which ones can be closed. 

Historical Paid Vouchers (APU111DW) - Tableau Report:

A new filter has been added to the "Historical Paid Vouchers (APU111DW)" tableau report. Users now have the option to select PO ID in Historical Paid Vouchers dashboard filter tab along with the other filters. 

Exceptions Reporting:

To accommodate changes to policy exception tracking in Requisitions and SIRs, there are several reporting changes as detailed in the list below.

  • Requisition Exceptions: New fields will be added to the output of the report to display both the exception reason and the exception explanation fields.  Additionally, the prompts will be enhanced to allow for searching on any cost center hierarchy. Lastly, the output of the report will be reordered to improve readability on a forthcoming dashboard.
  • Expense Report Exceptions: The report logic to identify expense reports with exceptions will be enhanced to only return expense reports with text in the Exception Reason field. This report will no longer return expense reports with alerts if the Exception Reason field is blank. This report will also have the output columns reordered for dashboard readability.
  • Supplier Invoice Request (SIR) Exceptions: This is a new report that will provide the exception reason and explanation provided in the new field, and will also include general information about the transaction such as funding, amount, and supplier.
  • Exceptions Report Group: This feature allows end users to enter one set of prompts and have the three aforementioned reports download into one Excel file. To leverage this feature, use the Schedule A Report task, and then enter the name of the report group. The option is provided to run the report in real time, or to schedule it for a later date. 

In addition to these changes, a new dashboard will be available to provide additional insight into exceptions. The features of the dashboard are listed below.

  • Annual trending graphs and tables to show the monthly count of exceptions per transaction type for the last full 12 months
  • Tables with the list of transactions with noted exceptions for the last full month (up to 100 rows maximum can be displayed)