Ohio State helps plan first virtual SAN-O workshop

The Ohio State University’s state authorization team collaborated to bring Ohio institutions together for the first virtual State Authorization Network of Ohio (SAN-O) workshop on February 5, 2021.
Ohio State’s Erin McLaughlin, state authorization program coordinator, served on the program planning committee. Representatives from more than 40 institutions gathered to learn about federal and state regulation updates and collaborate on state authorization compliance topics.
Workshop sessions included:
- A presentation on Ohio Department of Higher Education updates from Matt Exline, director of program approval operations from the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
- An update from Cheryl Dowd, executive director of the national State Authorization Network, on federal regulation updates, licensure and disclosure requirements, and COVID-related state authorization implications.
- National Council of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) updates from Marianne Boeke, senior director for research and state support for NC-SARA.
- A demonstration of the University of Kentucky state authorization website by Emily Woods, distance learning compliance coordinator from the University of Kentucky.
SAN-O is a grassroots regional network that has been sharing information about state authorization regulations and best practices since 2012. The annual SAN-O workshop provides an opportunity for state authorization staff to share processes and ideas with colleagues and make connections across the state for future collaboration.
A recording of the Feb. 5 SAN-O workshop is available for those who were unable to attend.
For more information about SAN-O, contact Ohio State's state authorization team at ODEE-stateauth@osu.edu.