FY24 Year-end Business Document Clean Up

Please refer to the downloadable Unit Year-end Checklist for important year end timeline information and tasks that need to be performed. Please make every effort to close out as many old items as possible to help avoid system issues for the year-end roll forward process. As a reminder, purchase orders can close only when the status is issued and there are no:   

  • in-progress or draft receipts.
  • in-progress or draft "Return to Supplier" documents.
  • related supplier invoices with draft, incomplete, or in-progress status.
  • related ASNs in draft or in-progress. 


You can view the status of these items on the Business Document Lines of the purchase order. The focus should be on documents tied to old POs with remaining balances that should be closed and not rolled forward. These can be identified using the "Find Purchase Order Details - OSU" report and checking the "Purchase Orders with Remaining Obligations/Encumbrances Only" box. Please work with the appropriate parties to take action on outstanding items by Friday, May 31, 2024 and send lists of POs that are ready to be closed to your Service Center Representative to close. Please also copy the Controller’s Office (ctl-fdmrequests@osu.edu) for awareness.