Enhancements for Supplier Invoice and Supplier Invoice Requests

Some Supplier Invoice and Supplier Invoice Requests enhancements will be moved to production the week of Monday, December 18.

Notification Updates for Supplier Invoice Requests: 

  • There will be increased visibility on canceled and denied requests. Approvers and Initiators will be notified if these actions occur.
  • Notifications will now be sent at the Supplier Invoice completion instead of the Supplier Invoice Request completion. This way requesters are notified at the time the Invoices are approved rather than at the start of the Supplier Invoice Process.
  • If SIR amount changes after the SIR is submitted the requestor will be notified.  


Notification Updates for Supplier Invoices:

  • There will be increased visibility for the Requisition Requester and prior approvers on denied requests. The Supplier Invoice Initiator of Internal Order Billings will be notified if anyone cancels or denies the invoice they entered.