Coming Soon: Payroll Accounting Adjustments with Retro Periods

During the week of January 27, a new interface will be released for Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAA) for retroactive payroll posted on a paycheck. Once this change is made, if there is a retro pay period associated with the earnings needing to be moved, PAA Specialists will now need to select the correct retro period.

Prior to this change, budget date was the main driver of associating payroll with the pay period for which the earnings were intended. Moving forward, the Retro Period Date will associate the PAA with a pay period. The budget date will default to the budget date of the retro period.

This update will now tie Effort and PAAs for retroactive time in a more efficient way and allow for cleaner effort reporting. OSP is going to delay running September - December effort to allow for these changes.

In addition, quick tips and help text will be added to the PAA business process in Workday to better assist PAA Specialists with completing PAAs. The Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAA) job aid (login required) will also be revised in coordination with the go live the week of January 27. Tips and Tricks informationn will be made available for PAAs along with a new BuckeyeLearn online module. Links to these resources will be included in the January 27 NewsLink.