The latest edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full August issue. Highlights of this issue: ((1) Recap of the Universal Scholarship Process readout session.; (2) Overview of the HR Service Delivery initiative and project scope item; and (3) Change Network meeting in advance of autumn term.
The Enterprise Project Digest is distributed monthly, and those who are interested in additional information are encouraged to subscribe.
If you are planning to be away from campus, it is important to plan ahead if you need access to university systems and information. BuckeyePass multi-factor authentication is required on many university systems. For example, eTimesheet and eLeave will be protected by...
When teaching a class online, how do you ensure your students are able to find the information they need to be successful in the course? Portuguese Lecturer Schirlei Silveira tackled this challenge by creating a simple, effective homepage to help her students navigate their online learning experience.
Because stolen, compromised or damaged information can lead to unwanted and unnecessary consequences for both staff members and the university, Ohio State is increasingly expanding the use of multifactor authentication. eTimesheet and eLeave will be the latest systems to adopt...
ALX funds projects that help make education more affordable for students while promoting excellent pedagogy and ownership of course materials among Ohio State faculty and teaching staff. The ALX team works with grant winners to help them find creative solutions to increase savings and promote innovative teaching methods. The possibilities are endless! From re-imagining textbooks to exploring existing open resources, from lending required tool kits to developing material sharing programs—opportunities exist for any type of class at Ohio State.
At the end of July, Ohio State upgraded all university cable service to digital broadcasting and will no longer provide access to analog cable channels. Customers will not experience any interruption to cable television services. This should offer customers several benefits:
Our very own Robert Griffiths , Ohio State’s AVP of Distance Education in ODEE, will be teaching an exciting new class, PUBAFRS 6890 (28341) Skills Special Topics: Service Delivery. The Glenn College will offer the course to both...
Organizers of Kickstart Week have long preached its benefits to instructors of all stripes. Though the four-day intensive offered by t he Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE) is designed to teach the basics of online course design...
The latest edition of the Enterprise Project Digest was shared with the Ohio State community to provide updates about the project’s work. Check out the EP Digest archive to read the full July issue. Highlights of this issue: (1) The Enterprise Project is integrating new workplans with established strategies to reflect the recent scope additions and revised charter; (2) See the latest peer institution list (including many R1 institutions) who are also in the midst of implementing Workday; and (3) Change Network fully established.