NewsLink Articles
Tableau Server Fundamentals Training
A recording of the Tableau Server Fundamentals training is now available on demand in BuckeyeLearn. Users can search for “Tableau Server Fundamentals” in BuckeyeLearn and take the class at their own pace. This course covers the fundamentals of Tableau Server – navigation, subscriptions, saving report parameters, and sharing data and is intended for anyone who uses Tableau Server.
Finance November Office Hours
November Finance Office Hours will be held from 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 15. Use the MS Teams link to join.
Buckeye Buy Catering Orders for Columbus Campus
Buckeye Buy catering orders for Columbus campus events must be placed through the Catering Marketplace. The Catering Marketplace is a multi-supplier round trip catalog of drop-off and full-service caterers and event equipment rental suppliers.
See the Catering Marketplace user guide for supplier search and order entry tips. Please note that full-service caterers and event rental suppliers require a request for quote from the customer through The Catering Marketplace before they can provide a quote in return.
Report Enhancements: "Find Miscellaneous Payment Request Summary – OSU" and "Find Expense Report Details – OSU"
The two reporting enhancements listed are now in production.
Find Miscellaneous Payment Request Summary – OSU - This report has been enhanced to include the Accounting Date, and Reconciliation Status as both a report prompt, and output field.
Find Expense Report Details – OSU - This report has been enhanced to include the Merchant Name transmitted to the bank for Expense Report lines associated with PCard Purchases.
Coming Soon: Changes to the Equity Balances by Balancing/Carry Forward Worktags
As a result of user community feedback, the "Equity Balances by Balancing/Carry Forward Worktags" report will receive two updates.
- A new column titled "Total Sources" will add the "GFA Activity (includes GFA original & net revisions & student reimbursement)" and the "YTD Sources/Other revenues-Transfers" together into a new column.
- The "Total Spendable Balance" will now add the "Beginning Balance," the "GFA Activity (includes GFA original & net revisions & student reimbursement)," and the "YTD Sources/Other revenues-Transfers" in columns together. It will also be moved to follow the newly created "Total Sources" column. Historically, the "Total Spendable Balance" only added the "Beginning Balance" and the "GFA Activity (includes GFA original & net revisions & student reimbursement)" columns together.
Changes to Sources and Uses Suite Can Affect Saved Filters
An enhancement has been made to the Sources and Uses suite of reports to allow users to select "book" when running a report.
Please note that if you have saved filters on this report you will need to ensure your report is running on the common book to return the results your saved filters would have normally returned. When you apply a saved filter the book default of common book will blank out. Please update your filters to select the common book if appropriate.
For any new report runs the most utilized book for decentral users remains the "common book" and this has been defaulted in the report prompt for user convenience.
Tableau Payroll Reports New View Shows GL Payroll Data with Hours and Amount
An additional view has been created in the "Payroll Expense Details and Flexible Payroll Expense Data" to show hours associated with salary expense. The new tabs are called "Prepopulated Monthly Payroll Actuals (Hours and Amount)" and "Flexible Monthly Payroll Actuals (Hours and Amount)."
New University-Wide Contract for Flowers and Gift Baskets
A new university-wide contract was recently awarded to four flower and gift basket suppliers by the Sourcing team. Instances where you might order from these suppliers could include expressions of acknowledgement and support for life events such as birth or adoption of a child, injury/illness of an employee, or the injury, illness or death of an immediate family member, etc.
Prices and terms have been pre-negotiated with the awarded suppliers as part of a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP). The scope of these contracts includes floral arrangements, plants, unique themed gift baskets, and Ohio State themed cookies. See the full post for contract book details.
Institutional Definition Initiative
We use words like “student” and “employee” every day, but did you know that we don’t have standard definitions for these terms across the university and medical center? The Ohio State Data Governance team has launched a new initiative to standardize institutional definitions to increase clarity and accuracy in data reporting and analysis. As part of this effort, a team is facilitating the development of working groups, consisting of subject matter experts and data stewards, from across the university and medical center. Read on to see how you can get involved!
Cybersecurity Days Oct. 19
Don't miss out! The Cybersecurity Days Colleague Forum for Ohio State faculty, staff and students is this Wednesday, October 19. Register now for your chance to learn about the university's cybersecurity threat landscape, its challenges, and help us develop innovative solutions for the future. Registrations accepted until the day of the event!