NewsLink Articles
National Payroll Week September 7 - 11
Beginning Monday, September 7 (well, maybe after Labor Day on Tuesday, September 8), take a moment to give some thanks to our colleagues in Payroll Services in honor of National Payroll Week. This group ensures you receive your paycheck accurately and on-time, every time. But wait, you’ve never heard of National Payroll Week?
In 1996, the American Payroll Association (APA) founded National Payroll Week to coincide with the celebration of Labor Day. National Payroll Week has been “celebrated” in NewsLink for many years to add some levity to the usual deadline info and system change content.
Did you know that through payroll withholding, America’s workforce and our payroll professionals contribute, collect and report 70% of the annual revenue of the U.S. Treasury, amounting to roughly $2.4 trillion per year? See the full article to learn more and even enjoy the NPW theme song!
Return-to-campus Kits Available Through eStores
As part of the safe return to campus, every staff and faculty member with a planned return date should receive a return-to-campus kit. Departments can obtain the kits at no cost through eStores. Please batch your department kits to eliminate extra deliveries on campus and limit kit quantities to one per person.
See the full article for the faculty and staff kit ordering process and details for the separate student kit process.
Procurement Agreement Process OnBase Training
A virtual instructor-led training on how to use the OnBase web client for the procurement agreement process will soon be available for service center employees. This new process will replace the BF-PUR-Agreements email.
The training will focus on how to obtain a signature for a procurement agreement, highlighting the commonly-used functionalities: completing procurement agreement forms in OnBase, using OnBase’s search feature to locate procurement agreements, and tracking procurement agreements in OnBase with the workflow feature.
While the training is directed to service center employees, others may find it useful. See full article for registration details.
GFA Key Dates Autumn Term 2020
This article shares information about key dates for Autumn Term 2020 tuition assistance processing, along with links to OHR's tuition assistance page and details from the Graduate School about graduate student fellowships, funding and awards.
Workday Training Timeline
The training window for the Workday January go-live will be September 14 through December 18. In preparation of training, curriculum assignments have started loading on BuckeyeLearn Transcripts for finance and HR professionals.
Grants Management Using PI Portal and Workday
In the short term, faculty and staff will use a combination of the PI Portal and Workday to fulfill their grants data needs. The current PI Portal will be maintained to provide continuity until we fully realize the vision of grants reporting solely in Workday.
August 2020 PCard Reallocation
The reallocation deadline for August 2020 is Friday, August 28.
August GL Monthly Close
The August General Ledger monthly close deadlines are as follows...
What’s new with RAE, Tableau and Collibra - Summer 2020
The OCIO Data and Analytics group continues to refine and improve the tools and processes it provides to Ohio State for the purpose of analyzing enterprise data—the data generated from university administrative functions (finance and supply chain, student information, human resources, payroll, and grants).
This update shares the latest developments for our current toolset which includes: the Reporting and Analytics Environment (RAE), Tableau and Collibra.
July GL Monthly Close
The July General Ledger monthly close deadlines are as follows...