Buckeye Link will begin populating faculty and staff resources and information starting January 31, 2025. Once users log in, Buckeye Link will display commonly viewed items from Workday, Buckeye Learn and the Service Desk to streamline access and make it easier to manage professional needs.
On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 , additional self-service pages will transform into the enhanced and mobile-friendly PeopleSoft user interface, Fluid.
Applicants and new students will experience an improved Applicant Center Fluid interface. Current students will be able to view both the “To Do List” and “Holds” through the Fluid interface.
In mid-October 2023, OTDI will be moving the foundation of the PeopleSoft-based Student System known as PeopleSoft Student Information System (SIS), to the Amazon Web Services platform.
While this change it substantial, it doesn’t affect the basic functionality of the Student System. However, any direct links into SIS will be changing. OTDI Student System support staff have already begun sharing a recommended process for making sure any affected links are updated with this change.
Note that this change will mostly affect support areas and not the end user community at-large, unless an end user has created a webpage favorite or bookmark.
Cybercriminals’ top priority is a real-life payout. For Ohio State student systems, that means criminals may target money that comes to students in the form of refunds, grants, scholarships, loans or other financial aid. If criminals get your user name and crack your password, they may be able...
Beginning Sunday, November 5, multifactor authentication will be added to the Student Information Systems behind Buckeye Link that store personal and financial information. You may already be using multi-factor authentication to log in to other accounts at your bank, email, gaming sites or...