Important Request to Verify Area Student System Users for 2021

One of the methods used by the Office of the CIO to safeguard Ohio State’s restricted data (e.g. student, alumni, faculty and staff information, patient medical records, research data, etc.) is the annual review of user access for the university Student Information Systems.

The Enterprise Security Access Management team reaches out each year and asks data stewards, other administrative system contacts across campus, to verify and approve who has access to key systems in their area.

This is a large undertaking and one where Enterprise Security and OCIO needs your cooperation. If you are a data steward or administrative system contact, please be on the lookout for an email from Enterprise Security Access Management with information and/or instruction on how to verify SIS users in your area for 2020. The email will be sent during the week of January 6, 2021 with a request to confirm area users by Friday February 28, 2021.

If you are not a data steward or administrative system contact, but you are a system user, you can still help by asking your manager if they have confirmed you as a system user for the current year.

Quick confirmations and responses from approvers during this process will ensure compliance, which helps prevent any third-party audits that could result from areas not confirming the system users under their purview.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any additional questions about this process, please contact Enterprise Security Access Management at