Grants Administration Updates

Budget vs. Actuals by Object Class Timeout Issue Resolved:

  • The timeout issue with the Budget vs. Actuals by Object Class report within the Grants Administration and Principal Investigator (PI) Dashboards has been resolved. We are aware of timeout issues within the Other Funding report within these same dashboards and working on performance enhancements. These reports can always be run separately outside of the dashboards to avoid timeout issues.


Subaward and Supplier Contract Improvements:

  • Questionnaires for supplier contract initiation and amendment workflows have been simplified to eliminate duplication.
  • Small administrative changes to supplier contracts can now be initiated and approved without involving Grants Administrators or PIs such as change in date, correcting a typo, or releasing an encumbrance. Classic amendments will still be initiated by the Cost Center.


Award Close-out Progress:

  • Award lines are being closed-out and final reporting to sponsors completed, but the accounting workflow for residual balance transfers is delayed. More information will follow as soon as possible. Overruns continue to be processed as part of close-out.


Security Roles for Principal Investigators:

  • We were made aware of some discrepancies that some faculty/PIs were having when reviewing their grant balances in Workday. Looking into this, we found an issue where not all Faculty/PIs had the two required roles to ensure they see all data that they should in the PI Summary Dashboard. Additional assignments have now been completed for Faculty and Grants Administrative Analyst and Principal Investigator Costing Analyst to correct this issue.
  • When hiring a new faculty member or someone else that has PI status, request the roles of Faculty and Grants Administrative Analyst and Principal Investigator Costing Analyst to prevent this issue in the future.