Changes to One Time Payments
Several improvements were recently made to the One Time Payments (OTPs) business process:
- HR Partner role impacts:
- Can initiate OTP for employees in any supervisory org and attach documentation
- Workflows to Cost Center Manager associated with worktags entered (or default if none entered)
- Can edit when a manager submits the OTP
- Can initiate OTP for employees in any supervisory org and attach documentation
- Cost Center Manager role impacts:
- Routes to Cost Center Manager for both university and Health System
- May edit the costing/worktags
- Added instructions regarding split costing
- Approval required for all OTP except taxable reporting and benefits (adoption, etc.)
- Validation to prevent costing entry on centrally funded plans
- Approval occurs prior to Compensation
The One Time Payments job aids are currently being revised to reflect these enhancements. In the meantime, the updates will be a topic during the Cost Center Managers office hours on Tuesday, December 14 from 1 - 2 p.m.