NewsLink Articles
User Support Office Hours
To help users better understand Procurement, Asset Management, Travel, and PCard functionality in Workday, standing office hours are being offered for each area. Office hours will begin with a brief demonstration and then be open for questions. In some instances, breakout rooms will be created to better answer targeted questions. To join a session, see the full article for Microsoft Teams and Zoom links.
Workday Quick Tips
- Units can make purchases on assets now, but new assets will not be created in Workday until January 18.
- If you experience issues with round-trip (punch-out) functionality or cannot find a supplier catalog or item, please do not contact the supplier directly. Your help contact is based on your funding unit.
- For UNIV funding units, contact the Marketplace Team
- For Health System/OSUWMC funding units, contact 614-293-4357 (HELP)
- As of January 8, only Central Accounting users have access to PeopleSoft Financials (FNOSU). All other financial users can access the non-production databases available at Designated GL users should select FNOSU. For inquiry access select FN8QAD.
Workday Adaptive Planning: Design and Construction Project Requests
Beginning with go-live on January 7, all new project requests (capital or non-capital) will take place in the Adaptive Planning module of Workday. The Project Request link on the Facilities Operations and Development (FOD) website will direct users to the Adaptive Planning login. Any capital/non-capital project request submitted before January 7, 2021 that did not have a project budget estimate approved by November 23, 2020 will need to be re-entered in Workday Adaptive Planning. Anyone with questions should contact Cyndi Fout (
Reports and Reporting Crosswalk Now Available
The Reports and Report Crosswalk job aid is now available in the Administrative Resource Center (ARC). This document provides a listing of reports available in Workday and Tableau that will be of interest to college and unit fiscal staff, leaders, and managers. It also provides a crosswalk between legacy reports and Workday/Tableau reports.
Expensing PCard Transactions
PCard transactions must be expensed within seven (7) business days from the transaction load in Workday. To ensure that all transactions are expensed timely, the Cardholder/Card Manager and unit are expected to monitor transactions that have not been processed on an approved Expense Report by running the Credit Card Transactions-OSU report in Workday
The PCard Office will also be monitoring unexpensed transactions and will route warning notices to Cardholders/Card Managers when transactions surpass 90 days without an approved Expense Report. After 120 days, an account suspension will be applied to all PCards issued to the Cardholder/Card Manager until outstanding transactions are processed on an approved Expense Report
For step-by-step guidance of expensing PCard transactions, please refer to the following Job Aids at the Administrative Resource Center (ARC):
- Create Expense Report for Travel Transactions
- Create Expense Report for Non-travel Transactions
For additional assistance, contact the PCard Office (614-292-9290).
Upcoming Biweekly Pay
The next biweekly payslip will be issued in Workday on Friday, January 15, 2021. Payslips should be viewable in Workday on January 13 for the January 15 pay day. Employees will notice differences in payroll practices that result in changes to their payslips, both visually and potentially to their pay. Review the changes impacting pay and learn how to access your payslip. After January 2021, payslips will typically be visible five days before pay day.
Changing Your Work Space in Workday
In Workday, employees should enter their specific work space within a building to ensure items are correctly delivered. Please change your work space as soon as possible by following the How to Change Your Work Space job aid. Additionally, your building location in Workday must be correct to effectively change your work space. If your building location is incorrect, only your manager can update that information by following the Change Job Details job aid.
Workday and eStores - New Terminology
The launch of Workday Finance and Supply Chain brings with it new terminology--and Buckeye Buy Marketplace! The list below may help you navigate the changes:
- eStores Team is now Marketplace Team.
- Supplier Website is now the RoundTrip Section of Buckeye Buy.
- MyQuote is now Marketplace Quotes and is found within the RoundTrip Section of Buckeye Buy.
- eStores is now Buckeye Buy and now includes more than just university funded purchases.
Contact the Marketplace Team for questions about university-funded Buckeye Buy Purchases.Some former eStores suppliers may not immediately be in Buckeye Buy, due to expired contracts expired or pending updates. Please check back frequently for updates.
FN8QAD Database Environment Unavailable January 14 Through 15
Current financials users have access to Finance database FN8QAD, which is a replication of the former PeopleSoft production database FNOSU. Due the transition to Workday, the FN8QAD database will be unavailable to users on both Thursday, January 14 and Friday, January 15. Access will be restored on Saturday, January 16.
Limited PeopleSoft Finance Access January 1
PeopleSoft Finance (FNOSU) will only be available to a designated group of general ledger users starting Friday, January 1, 2021. From January 1 until June 30, 2021 all current PeopleSoft Finance users will have access to a non-production database for inquiries.
To access these databases beginning January 1, please go to the Key PeopleSoft Superlogin page:
- For the designated GL Users click on FNOSU
- For Inquiry access click on FN8QAD
Access will require that you log in using the OCIO AnyConnect Virtual Private Network (VPN). See VPN instructions for details.
ACTION: Please share this information with staff who may need access to the PeopleSoft Superlogin page.