Youth Privacy Principles

Protecting the privacy of youth who are entrusted to the university’s care is a key aspect of Ohio State’s privacy program. 

The Youth and Privacy subcommittee of the Privacy Governance Council, comprised of staff at the university who work to protect youth, has drafted the university’s Youth Privacy Principals. The goal of the principles is to provide guidelines to youth programs on protecting the privacy of youth. 


6 Principles Protecting the Privacy of Youth

1. Collect Only Necessary Information

Collect only necessary information about the youth. For example, only collect medication information if the participant will receive medication during the duration of the program.

2. Guard Physical Privacy

Protect the physical privacy of youth when they are at camp, activities, and other programs. Physical privacy is privacy over one’s space, body and belongings.

3. Keep Health Information Private

Keep health forms secure and share information only on a need-to-know basis.

4. Safeguard Photos and Videos

Make sure you get permission before taking pictures and videos and using them. 

5. Teach Privacy

Program leaders should look for ways to teach youth how to protect their own privacy, why it is important, and how securing their own information will help them as they grow up in a digital world.

6. Secure Data

Limit access to data and follow the Ohio State data security requirements that might apply.