Data Compliance Trainings for Staff
University faculty and staff interact with privacy and data compliance-related laws and Ohio State policies daily as part of their role. All faculty and staff are required to take annual training on the university's Institutional Data Policy, and additional trainings through BuckeyeLearn may be required depending on your job function. If you see these trainings assigned to you, please make sure to complete them promptly and incorporate what you learn into you daily work.
Privacy and data compliaince trainings required for many faculty and staff are listed below and link directly to the course in BuckeyeLearn. Most of these trainings are updated and require completion annually.
Data Complicance Trainings
Institutional Data Policy
This course is required for all university faculty and staff due to their access to many types of information related to university operations, teaching and research. The training will describe your role and responsibilities in preserving security and confidentiality while sharing and storing this information.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Institutional Data Compliance
This course is intended for all faculty, staff and students who are required to take HIPAA training.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
This course provides a basic introduction to FERPA and how it relates to faculty and staff at the university.
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA)
This course is required for any faculty or staff member who has access to student financial information and/or financial aid data due to their obligation to protect this sensitive personal information.
Identity Theft Red Flags
This course was developed for any faculty or staff member who has access to student, patient or other customer account information, due to their obligation to protect sensitive personal information from identity theft.
Payment Card Compliance
This course is primarily for any individuals that handle or process payment cards on behalf of the university or the medical center or who have a role that would impact the security of cardholder data.