IT Transformation Project


Project Update

The project continued to move forward in October. Nine more county extension offices moved to OCIO services in October. Visit the CFAES IT Transformation webpage for additional data and project updates.

  • OSUnet and Wi-Fi implementation complete in 25 buildings (89% of in scope buildings complete)
  • Moving to OCIO services next: FABE, SENR, FST
  • 16 of 25 units move to OCIO services
  • OSUnet and Wi-Fi implementation complete in 53 buildings (79% of in scope buildings complete)
  • Moving to OCIO services next: FABE, SENR, Entomology 
  • 23 of 35 units move to OCIO services
  • OSUnet and Wi-Fi implementation complete in 62 buildings (54% of in scope buildings complete)
  • Moved to OCIO services in October: Athens, Van Wert, Ross, Tuscarawas, Clark, Gallia, Vinton, Seneca, Holmes
  • Moving to OCIO services next: Belmont, Preble, Darke, Richland, Eastern Ag Research, Henry
  • Planning kicked off with the following counties: Stark, Miami, Montgomery, Harrison, Jefferson, Eastern Ag Research, Western Ag Research, Belmont, Monroe
  • Next counties to kick off: Crawford, Morrow
  • 49 of 104 units move to OCIO services


Onboarding Survey Results

Members of units that moved to OCIO services were given the opportunity to provide feedback about their experience.


Thinking about the overall process of receiving new IT services, how would you rate your experience?

Bar chart describing survey results. 34.4% had an extremely positive experience, 27.9% moderately positive, 10.7% slightly positive, 9.0% neutral, 13.1% slightly negative, 3.3% moderately negative, and 1.6% extremely negative.
August 2018 - October 2019; n = 122

What did you think about the communications you received throughout the onboarding process?

Bar chart describing survey results. 18.3% found communications extremely effective, 31.7% very effective, 37.5% moderately effective, 17.5% slightly effective, and 5.0% not effective at all.
August 2018 - October 2019; n = 120

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with your onboarding experience?

Bar chart describing survey results. 23.9% were extremely satisfied, 30.8% very satisfied, 18.0% slightly satisfied, 8.6% neutral, 11.1% slightly dissatisfied, 5.1% very dissatisfied, and 2.6% extremely dissatisfied.
August 2018 - October 2019; n = 117

CFAES IT Team Progress

The CFAES IT team is working on a variety of projects including research, web and application support. Below are some highlights from October.

  • ANS – Developed a solution at Krauss Dairy to allow dairy and herd management systems to share information and developing automated script to eliminate manual processing of many spreadsheets of feeding and milking records.
  • ATI – System for health appointment scheduling and notes: risk assessment, accessibility review and exception processes completed. Implementing.
  • Academic Programs - Revisions to the Scholarship Application Form, New Registration form for Academic Recruitment site. Began working on a room calendar integration module. 
  • Chadwick Arboretum - Consulted with and reworked the websites
  • Dean’s Office-  Worked on online listings for Leadership searches.
  • Extension - First proof of concept prototype demonstrated for Personnel Directory. Consulted on Rockets Away to improve the application. Consulted on SalesForce, worked with University Accessibility office to retrieve prior review. Completed risk assessment for PEARS to be used with SNAP-Ed program for reporting. Migrated Buckeye Yard and Garden site to OSU Web Hosting.
  • Extension Publications - Consulted with Big Commerce on Integrations for the Extension Publications e-Store.
  • FABE – Repair to Particle Size Analyzer. Collaborative efforts migrating Ohio Supercomputer Center data stores to OCIO Isilon services using Globus. Integration of Career feeds from College of Engineering into FABE web site. Completed risk assessment for online system to connect sensors in the field.
  • FST – Procured wireless networking hardware to incorporate with existing VR headset technology being used in Sensory Lab to mirror what is presented on screen to another display. Assisted graduate student to configure Unity software and
  • HCS - Helped support microscope computer in Kottman Hall.
  • IPA - The Ohio Program: Helped  get in touch with GDPR subject experts and reviewing security of customized application developed by third party developer.
  • MCIC  - Collaborated on a solution for the Formulatrix Mantis Liquid Handler’s software crashing on startup.
  • PAAR - Designed a high containment video monitoring and recording system with a focus on recording clinical signs of animal disease.
  • RAGE - Graduate Education website launched. Rework plan for OARDC web site. 
  • Secrest Arboretum - Working with OCIO to deploy a method for the garden management system to be used in the field via iPad.
  • South Centers - Aquaponics project – Helped to develop a base plan for backup power for longer outages on aquaponics research project, in the early stages of developing a monitoring system. Rebuilding an e-pure water system for lab experiments. 
  • Wooster Venues - New modules and format for existing Shisler Center Website
  • Web Sites: Newsletter/News Release email module updated to use the university email templates.
  • 6 Training Sessions trained 26 new or existing users to edit content on our websites.
  • Digital Signage – New kiosk in ANS, various support and repairs.
  • Weather System – Retired old server migrated to new in OCIO environment. Partnering with Kentucky to use their weather data to increase the accuracy of our growing degree day calculations for southern Ohio. 
  • Continuing inventory of specialized hardware and migration of web sites.


State-wide Progress

Map of Ohio showing project status in each county. See table below for data.

County NameStatus
AdamsFully moved to OCIO services
AllenScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
AshlandCounty Owned: In Talks
AshtabulaWaiting for Skype
AthensWaiting for Skype
AuglaizeCounty Owned: In Talks
BelmontNetwork/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO Services
BrownFully moved to OCIO services
ButlerCounty Owned: In Talks
CarrollCounty Owned
ChampaignCounty Owned
ClarkWaiting for Skype
ClermontFully moved to OCIO services
ClintonCounty Owned
ColumbianaFully moved to OCIO Services
CoshoctonScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
CrawfordCounty Owned: In Talks
CuyahogaFully moved to OCIO Services
DarkeNetwork/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO Services
DefianceScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
DelawareCounty Owned
ErieCounty Owned: In Talks
FairfieldFully moved to OCIO services
FayetteWaiting for Skype
FranklinFully moved to OCIO services
FultonCounty Owned: In Talks
GalliaWaiting for Skype
GeaugaWaiting for Skype
GreeneWaiting for Skype
GuernseyUniversity Owned
HamiltonWaiting for Skype
HancockFully moved to OCIO Services
HardinFully moved to OCIO services
HarrisonCounty Owned: In Talks
HenryNetwork/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO Services
HighlandCounty Owned: In Talks
HockingFully moved to OCIO Services
HolmesWaiting for Skype
HuronScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
JacksonFully moved to OCIO services
JeffersonNetwork/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO Services
KnoxCounty Owned
LakeScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
LawrenceFully moved to OCIO services
LickingCounty Owned
LoganCounty Owned: In Talks
LorainWaiting for Skype
Lucasfully moved to OCIO services
MadisonFully moved to OCIO services
MahoningNetwork/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO Services
MarionCounty Owned: In Talks
MedinaScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
MeigsWaiting for Skype
MercerScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
MiamiCounty Owned
MonroeCounty Owned
MontgomeryCounty Owned
MorganFully moved to OCIO services
MorrowFully moved to OCIO services
MuskingumFully moved to OCIO services
NobleNetwork/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO Services
OttawaNetwork/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO Services
PauldingScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
PerryFully moved to OCIO services
PickawayWaiting for Skype
PikeFully moved to OCIO services
PortageFully moved to OCIO services
PrebleNetwork/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO Services
PutnamFully moved to OCIO services
Richlandnetwork/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO Services
RossWaiting for Skype
SanduskyWaiting Skype
SciotoCounty Owned: In Talks
SenecaWaiting for Skype
ShelbyWaiting for Skype
StarkCounty Owned: In Talks
SummitFully moved to OCIO Services
TrumbullFully moved to OCIO Services
TuscarawasWaiting for Skype
UnionCounty Owned
Van WertNetwork/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO Services
VintonWaiting for Skype
WarrenScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
WashingtonScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
WayneWaiting for Skype
WilliamsCounty Owned
WoodFully moved to OCIO services
WyandotCounty Owned: In Talks


Unit Progress

Unit NameStatus
Ashtabula ARSScheduling meetings
Eastern ARSNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
Jackson ARSComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
Muck Crops ARSScheduling meetings
North Central ARSScheduled for networking/Wi-Fi
Northwest ARSScheduling meetings
Western ARS

Scheduled for networking/Wi-Fi (and computers)

Network status key for table above; progress levels include 1) scheduled for networking/Wi-Fi, 2) network/Wi-Fi completed; ready for OCIO services, 3) waiting for Skype, 4) fully moved to OCIO services (including Skype)


Unit NameStatus
AEDENetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
ACELFully moved to OCIO services
Animal SciencesNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
ATIComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
EntomologyNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
Extension LeadershipNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
FABENetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
FAHRPNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
FSTNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
HCSNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
Plant PathologyNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
SENRNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services

Network status key for table above; progress levels include 1) scheduled for networking/Wi-Fi, 2) network/Wi-Fi completed; ready for OCIO services, 3) waiting for Skype, 4) fully moved to OCIO services (including Skype)


Unit NameStatus
4-HComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
Academic AffairsComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
AdvancementFully moved to OCIO services
Agricultural Operations Networking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
Capital PlanningNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
Dean's SuiteFully moved to OCIO services
Director of WoosterComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
FinanceComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
FSRFully moved to OCIO services
Government AffairsComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
HRComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
International ProgramsComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
ITComputers moved to OCIO services; Waiting for Skype
MarCommFully moved to OCIO services
Research & GraduatesFully moved to OCIO services
SafetyFully moved to OCIO services
SecrestFully moved to OCIO services
Wooster Conference CenterNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services
Wooster OperationsNetworking/Wi-Fi completed; Ready for OCIO services

Network status key for table above; progress levels include 1) scheduled for networking/Wi-Fi, 2) network/Wi-Fi completed; ready for OCIO services, 3) waiting for Skype, 4) fully moved to OCIO services (including Skype)