PyeongChang 2018: Olympics-Themed Scams are Digging for Gold

Interest in watching Team USA is high. As advertisers vie for your eyeballs with the American flag and the world-famous Olympic rings, it is easy to trust the message. However, just as you should be vigilant about counterfeit merchandise and ticket scams, you should also be aware of your email inbox.
Receive an email about an online lottery promotion where you can win tickets to PyeongChang? All you need to do to win is provide EVERY personal detail about you. What could go wrong, right?
As with most things, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Remain skeptical of anything that sounds phishy, requires immediate action or asks for personal details you wouldn’t share with your best friend.
For more about how to stay safe while cleaning out your inbox, visit And as always, if you receive a suspicious email, please report it by forwarding the email to (link sends an email) or by using the PhishMe Button.