In order to make better use of resources, we have made a change to the default settings for Zoom cloud recordings. Previously, if you recorded a meeting where two or more people had their camera on, Zoom would have recorded both the speaker view and the gallery view. If you had not changed your...
Meeting transcripts can be very useful—they make your meetings more accessible and help all participants look back on what was said and get caught up in the conversation. Zoom already had an option for “live” transcriptions, but they required a participant in the meeting to type captions as the...
In an effort to increase security and privacy for the Ohio State community, all CarmenZoom meetings and webinars will require a passcode beginning July 30. In addition to adding passcodes to all meetings, we will prevent users from turning off the passcode going forward.
Keeping your Zoom app up to date on personal devices will keep you current with security patches released by Zoom, and sticking with the default settings chosen by Ohio State is the best (and easiest) way to keep unwanted guests out of your meetings. In particular, it is important to keep the required password setting ON.
Summer semester may look a bit different this year, but CarmenCanvas is still upgrading and innovating to improve the online teaching and learning experience. Find out what’s new in the LMS and get a quick refresher on the typical start-of-term happenings.
At Ohio State, we are constantly working to make our Zoom meetings and virtual classrooms safer. Between spring and summer semesters, we will be making a few changes to the default settings within Zoom to better protect our students, faculty and staff. These settings were carefully chosen to ensure your security while maintaining the usability of the tool.
Two vulnerabilities have been identified with Zoom, Ohio State’s academic web conferencing service. These vulnerabilities create privacy and security concerns for Mac and Windows computers. We encourage all users to update as soon as possible via the below...
This year, the Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE) introduced CarmenZoom to its eLearning toolset. CarmenZoom isn’t just great for academic web-conferencing--it’s also perfect for staying connected with friends and family outside of Ohio State.