Join us on Tuesday, September 24 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in Pomerene 320 for the Innovate Fall Showcase (previously known as Faculty Showcase). We've teamed up with Undergraduate...
Shauna Chung is a PhD student in the Rhetorics , Communication, and Information Design program at Clemson University. Her experience as a first-year composition teacher has afforded her with opportunities to push and rethink the boundaries of traditional writing genres and to involve students as active participants in the creation and dissemination of meaning through digital technologies. At InnovateX , Shauna will share her expertise on digital storytelling and show how students can expand their modes of communication, build skills in a fail-forward environment, and use digital technologies for civic engagement.
Over the past ten years, the needs and interests of students have changed drastically. T oday, t hey are looking for skills that will serve them well in our changing world , whether that be technological prowess or the courage and dedication necessary to...
Registration for InnovateX will open in March, but until then, learn more about our two keynote speakers who will dive deeper on the threads of exciting learners, exploring new opportunities and designing around the student experience.
Are you using technology in unique ways in your class? Do your teaching methods enhance the student learning experience and the quality of their education? Do you want to share your great ideas with other educators at Ohio State and beyond?
Does your teaching style make students excited about learning? Do your lessons and assignments encourage students to explore beyond the classroom? Are you a student who has had a great experience in a particular class? If any of these apply to you, why not share your stories with educators at...
On Wednesday, November 7, educators from across Ohio State and beyond gathered to share how technology is enhancing the student experience. From professors to advisors, from support staff to students, attendees had the opportunity to learn first-hand from Digital Flagship Educators. New for 2018, the Innovate Faculty Showcase also included the voice of students.
Join us on November 7 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. in Pomerene 280 to learn from Digital Flagship Educators and students. Our presenters will be exploring new ways to give students a voice and showcasing unique assignment opportunities , building excitement around starting college and sharing experiences with iPads in and outside the classroom.