Ohio State’s Cybersecurity Days was born from the need to share knowledge and best practices to form a collective defense from cybercriminals. Held annually, the event works to stimulate creativity, critical thinking and problem solving to help the university and community members operate more...
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is coming to Ohio State! Join us for an immersion day to meet members of Amazon's team and take a deep dive into learning about AWS, including how it can help you and how to use it securely.
This day will be an engaging, tech-driven event focused on helping you...
If you are interested in a future career in the world of information technology, or if you just would like to know how to best protect your online identity and data, Cybersecurity Days Community Forum is a great opportunity to pick up the latest info.
In the past, you could simply avoid taking part in the digital world and lead a private, offline life. That's no longer the case. In fact, because so many of the companies you do business with collect personal information, you could assume your information is already in the hands of...
Cybersecurity Days are hosted by Enterprise Security at The Ohio State University to provide meaningful training and resources to the university IT community and beyond, while also establishing ways to collaborate, build relationships, and educate each other.